Terraforno Oven Care & Preparation

Terraforno ovens are made with the best materials using a traditional design & construction process that will provide an amazing wood fired oven experience for many years.  here are a few areas that we feel are important to understand before using your first new oven:

We recommend only using fully dried/seasoned hardwoods as fuel for your oven fires.  These materials will create hot & clean burning fires producing the best results. 

The exterior of Our oven is made from a refractory mortar (very similar to cement or stucco-like finish), Even though we paint the ovens, they are porous and may absorb water if left out in the rain (the oven will hold the water which is what your don’t want).  

We recommend protecting your oven from the elements by either painting your oven, using one of our high-UV resistant oven covers And/or locate your oven under a covered area.  

The oven finish is a personal choice, they are made the same way.  some customers have creatively tiled their ovens.  Many customers choose to paint their oven; Terraforno recommends a 100% acrylic paint. 

wood fired Oven Curing

Wood fired ovens can experience the same challenges as other exterior masonry projects, moisture can get trapped inside of the oven during construction or if the oven sits unprotected outdoors. This trapped moisture, when heated, can cause cosmetic & structural cracks in the oven.  

Like other top-quality ovens, Terraforno uses kiln dried refractory oven shells to reduce the potential of trapped oven moisture, ensuring a higher quality overall oven.  we do recommend that you provide a “mini cure” your Pre-Made ovens & The curing Process Below if using our DIY kits.. 

Curing a wood-fired oven should be a slow, methodical process that is ideally done over a handful of days where you gradually increasing size & intensity of the fires inside the oven. You should monitor the temperature of the oven to ensure it stays within the recommended temps.  Using an infrared temperature gun to check the heat level inside the dome is a great tool for this (Avail on Amazon)


Below is our recommended 5 day process of curing your oven 

(remember, the idea is to have small controlled fires over the 5 days): 

Recommended Terraforno Oven Curing Process

Oven Curing: Day 1

Heat oven to 140° F for 4-5 hours

Oven Curing: Day 2

Heat oven to 215° F for 4-5 hours

Oven Curing: Day 3

Heat oven to 300° F for 4-5 hours

Oven Curing: Day 4

Heat oven to 400° F for 4-5 hours

Oven Curing: Day 5

Heat oven to 480° F for 4-5 hours

Wood Fired Oven Maintenance

You should expect your Terraforno oven to look & cook beautifully for many years.  However, the process of thermal expansion and contraction caused by cooking in your oven, over time, may create some minor cracks.  These are nothing to worry about, as these fractures are in the exterior brick

If you like the rustic appearance of a seasoned oven, great! If not, you can use a refractory concrete or a repair kit to seal the cracks up.  Properly curing & caring for your oven will minimize this from happening.

Maintenance on wood-fired ovens is typically minimal, a cover is recommended to keep water out of the oven

After the oven is cooled, the remaining ash should be removed from the oven

Most oven domes/walls (like ours) are somewhat self-cleaning due to the type of construction & high heat that is used

contact us

Phone: 713.489.4129
Email: info@terrafornopizzaovens.com
Corporate Address:
2806 Sanctuary Cove, Katy, Texas 77450
Terraforno Warehouse: Houston, Texas 77055